Praise for University's Tees Valley Hydrogen Innovation Project (TVHIP)

Press/Media: Press / Media


The work of the Tees Valley Hydrogen Innovation Project to help local businesses take advantage of Net Zero technologies has been praised by local authorities. Representatives from Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA), Darlington Borough Council and Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council visited the project’s laboratory at Teesside University to understand how it is helping SMEs in the region develop new networks, products and processes to support a hydrogen economy in the Tees Valley. The Tees Valley Hydrogen Innovation Project (TVHIP) supports eligible SMEs with business opportunities within hydrogen and decarbonisation economies. It is helping deliver ambitious plans for the Tees Valley region to become a clean energy powerhouse for the UK, creating thousands of jobs in the region. 

TVHIP is part-funded from the European Regional Development Fund and is available to SMEs in the Tees Valley employing fewer than 250 staff and with an annual turnover no greater than €50m per annum. The project ran successfully from 2018 to 2023. 

It is one of a number of ERDF-funded projects at the University, including the Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre (NZIIC) and the Industrial Digitalisation Technology Centre (IDTC), which are working in partnership and utilising complementary expertise to support the region’s SMEs.


Impact of Tees Valley Hydrogen Innovation Project (TVHIP), (2018-23) on the local Businesses in the Tees Valley.

Period14 Dec 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitlePraise for University’s Tees Valley Hydrogen Innovation Project
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe work of the Tees Valley Hydrogen Innovation Project to help local businesses take advantage of Net Zero technologies has been praised by local authorities. Representatives from Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA), Darlington Borough Council and Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council visited the project’s laboratory at Teesside University to understand how it is helping SMEs in the region develop new networks, products and processes to support a hydrogen economy in the Tees Valley.
    PersonsVenkatesan Venkata Krishnan