Scott Bros supports Teesside University research into carbon capture using ‘waste’ soil

Press/Media: Press / Media


Recycling experts Scott Bros is collaborating with Teesside University as part of an innovative research project that uses artificial soil to capture carbon dioxide.

Period5 May 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleScott Bros supports Teesside University research into carbon capture using ‘waste’ soil
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletRecognition PR -communications for your business
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionRecycling experts Scott Bros is collaborating with Teesside University as part of an innovative research project that uses artificial soil to capture carbon dioxide.

    Postgraduate researcher Mardin Abdalqadir is working alongside the Stockton-on-Tees based firm on his PhD which is investigating how to sequester carbon in soil developed from waste products.

    His doctorate hypothesises that by using a combination of natural clay, construction by-products and green waste, an artificial soil can be created which will help to remove the amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

    The soil could then be used as landscaping in areas of high carbon dioxide, such as urban and industrial environments, and will remove the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.

    Peter Scott, a director of Scott Bros, said: “We are committed to boosting Teesside’s circular economy by supporting and discovering innovative ways of using recycled materials to create commercially viable products and solutions to reducing carbon emissions. We are pleased to be working with the University on this piece of cutting-edge research.”

    Dr Sina Rezaei-Gomari, who is directing the research at Teesside University, said: “At Teesside University our research strategy is committed to developing sustainable cities and communities thorough the design of novel and disruptive technologies.
    PersonsSina Rezaei Gomari