The Project "GameLet: Promoting reading fluency in secondary schools through gamification" Dr Digdem Sezen contributed featured in German Scientific News Site IDW News

  • Digdem Sezen

Press/Media: Press / Media


The project Dr Digdem Sezen contributed was featured in German scientific news site "IDW News"

Period11 Aug 2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleGameLet: Promoting reading fluency in secondary schools
    Media name/outletIDW News Informationdienst Wissenschaft
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe research and innovation project GameLet sponsored by the EU programme ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships promotes reading fluency in secondary schools.
    Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences developed the main software architecture behind the GameLet project and worked with its project partners on the underlying educational concepts and gamification elements. Project partners include the Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten (Germany), the University of Minho (Portugal), the Open University Cyprus, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, as well as a number of schools.

    Participating researchers at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) include Professor Dr-Ing. Ido Iurgel (Media Communication and Computer Science), Anabela Parente (project member, software development), Dr Digdem Sezen (guest researcher), Johannes Franzen (student, Media Communication and Com-puter Science), Mohamed-Rami Mezghani (student, Communication and Information Engineering) and other contributors as well.
    PersonsDigdem Sezen