Automated quantitative analysis of shape features in human epithelial monolayers and spheroids generated from colorectal cancer cells



Book Title Intestinal Differentiated Cells Book Subtitle Methods and Protocols ISBN978-1-0716-3075-4 Chapter book Title Automated quantitative analysis of shape features in human epithelial monolayers and spheroids generated from colorectal cancer cells Description for the image named HCT116_Monolayer: HCT116 colorectal cancer cells have been grown as monolayers, then fixed and stained with Alexa 488-phalloidin to visualize actin filaments. Cells were imaged using a SP8 Leica confocal microscope. The image is the Sum projection of 3 independent planes (0.5 um each), exported to .tiff. The image serves as example for single cell analysis using automated packages such as Cellpose 2.0. Description for the image named HCT116_Spheroid: HCT116 colon cancer cells were seeded on low-attachment plates to generate spheroids. This image was acquired after 16h from seeding cells using a widefield Dmi8 Leica microscope. The image can be used to obtain automated cell contours and cell shape features from individual cells forming the spheroid using Cellpose 2.0 package and ImageJ/Fiji. A description of the steps to follow could be found in Brown and Juanes, 2023, ' Automated quantitative analysis of shape features in human epithelial monolayers and spheroids generated from colorectal cancer cells', a chapter in the "Intestinal Differentiated Cells" Book from the Methods in Molecular Biology - Springer Protocols from Nature Humana Press editorial.
Date made available26 Feb 2023

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