Personal profile
Academic Biography
The primary responsibility of the Lead Clinical Tutor is to lead on all components of the clinical practice strand, of the clinical psychology doctoral training programme. I have specific responsibility for ensuring the systematic provision of high quality clinical placements that are in line with the required standards of education and training set by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), the British Psychological Society (BPS) and Teesside University.
Close liaison and collaboration with local trusts, education commissioners and clinical coordinators of other clinical psychology programmes in the region is necessary to ensure high standards of training on the programme. I represent the programme at local and national clinical psychology training meetings and committees as well as on University and NHS boards.
Summary of Research Interests
- Cognitive Analytic Therapy and complex trauma presentations
- Personality Disorders and barriers to care
- Diagnostic labels and inequalities in care
- Choice and organisational barriers to real choice
- Organisational Psychology
External Roles and Professional Activities
Consultant Clinical Psychologist with previous extensive NHS experience of managing services inc. leading on service design, service improvement and other projects etc. Clinical experience of working with military and police personnel. Experience of working in a private occupational health service providing assessments and therapeutic input.
Learning and Teaching Interests and Activities
Cognitive Analytic Therapy
Complex trauma
Effective supervision