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Fiona Terry


Personal profile

Academic Biography

Fiona is currently the Secretary for Academic Board, Secretary for Enterprise & Business Engagement  Committee and the Lead Officer for a number of Working Groups. She also co-ordinates the annual Academic Board Committee Schedule and provides advice and guidance on committees and secretarial support.

Another aspect of her role is to provide staff development activities, advice and guidance on Assessment Regulations, co-ordinate the annual schedule of Assessment Board workshops and related activities and the Assessment Board helpline. She produces and edits the annual Assessment Board Information Pack and supporting guidance documentation such as the Assessment Regulations Questionnaire.

Fiona has worked in Higher Education Administration since 1986 working at the Universities of Staffordshire, Bristol and Sunderland before joining Teesside in 1994. Prior to that she worked in finance and the Civil Service. She has a MSc in Transport Engineering and Planning from Salford University and a BSc(Hons) in Geography and Ecology from Loughborough University. 

Fiona is on a 0.8 contract and normally works four days per week, Monday to Thursday.