Personal profile
Academic Biography
Gemma started working for the University in May 1999 and has worked in numerous roles across various Schools and Departments during her time at Teesside.
Gemma joined SLAR in July 2019 as Learning and Teaching Project Officer moving to ACI Project Officer - within the Academic Collaborative Innovation workstream - working across departmental projects. Coordinating successful student schemes such as Students as Researchers and CreatorLab Fellows and managing conferences and events such as the annual LTE Conference.
Prior to these roles Gemma was Quality Administrator for School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Law and Teesside University Business School. This included assisting with the management of Approval and Review events and managing the External Examiner functions. She has also worked as TNE Administrator, Research Administrator and Assessments Administrator.
Gemma is currently aligned to the Academic Development workstream in SLAR as Partnership & Project Manager, commencing this role in November 2022. Gemma implemented the SLAR Project Board and works alongside BCIP on key strategic SLAR projects.
She is also responsible for managing international provision across the instution, focussing on areas for enhancement and service excellence with our TNE partners.
Gemma graduated in 2010 with a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from Teesside University.
Gemma also holds Adobe Creative Educator Level 2 status.