Personal profile
Academic Biography
Janet provides leadership and management of the quality assurance and regulatory functions within Student Learning & Academic Registry. This includes the development and implementation of appropriate policies, procedures and operating models, the Quality Framework and academic governance structures.
Key areas of work are: managing the University's engagement and response to the Office for Students B3 Conditions of Registration; the Teaching Excellence Framework [TEF]; ensuring effective quality assurance processes related to portfolio development and review; Academic Professional Standards; co-ordination of the Institutional Continuous Monitoring & Enhancement process; External Examining; ensuring effective governance via the University's Academic Committee Structure; Institutional Liaison with the Quality Assurance Agency. Janet is supported by the Assistant Academic Registrars for Academic Policy & Regulations, and Quality Assurance & Validation.
Janet has worked for the University for more than 25 years in a variety of administrative, secretariat and management roles across Schools and Departments, encompassing assessments and wider School activities, with extensive cross-University experience in preparing for external audit/reviews.