Jim Entwistle

Jim Entwistle


  • Senior Lecturer in Digital Journalism, SACI Art

Personal profile

External Roles and Professional Activities

After graduation, Jim trained through the National Council for Training of Journalist programme and went to work at the Darlington and Stockton Times and Northern Echo, where he spent four years covering court, council and current affairs across the North East, winning regional awards in the process.

He then spent 11 years at the Great North Air Ambulance Service where he would become Head of Marketing and Communications, formulating and delivering strategies to engage the four million people of the charity's region. He was part of an award-winning team which gained international recognition for its pioneering pre-hospital care service.

He joined Teesside University in 2022 and is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Journalism and leads the Journalism and Sport Journalism degree courses. 

Academic Biography

Jim is a proud alumnus of The Wensleydale School and Nottingham Trent University. He completed the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) diploma at Darlington College and subsequently the National Qualification in Journalism. He also gained the Chartered Institute of Public Relations Diploma in PR from Sunderland University.

Enterprise Interest and Activities

  • Journalism
  • Public relations
  • Third sector