Projects per year
Personal profile
Academic Biography
Dr Al-Greer is a distinguished professional in the field of electrical engineering, specialising in power electronics, control systems, and battery management systems. He has a rich academic background and extensive experience in both research and teaching.
He received a PhD degree in control of power electronic converters from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Newcastle University, UK, in 2012. Before joining Teesside University, Maher held the position of post-doctoral research associate (PDRA) at the School of Engineering, University of Newcastle. During this time, their work focused on pioneering a new topology of switch reluctance machines for hybrid electric vehicles, notably contributing to the TC48 project. In August 2017, Dr Al-Greer moved to Teesside University, where he serves as a senior lecturer in electrical engineering. Currently, he is an associate professor (reader).
Maher secured funding from several bodies, such as the UKRI, the British Council, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Lloyd's Register Foundation, and others.
Maher's research interests encompass a diverse range of multidisciplinary areas within electrical engineering, including battery management systems, power electronics, control systems, smart grids and microgrids, renewable energy, fault monitoring and detection, signal processing, and artificial intelligence. Their overarching goal is to translate these research endeavours into scalable and practical solutions to address emerging challenges in energy systems.
Maher is recognised as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), reflecting their commitment to pedagogical best practices and student-centred learning. Furthermore, he serves as an Associate Editor of IET Power Electronics, guest editors for several journals, co-chair and programme chair of the UPEC 2021 IEEE conference, supervised/co-supervised 8 PhD students, and supervised several MSc and Beng projects. He has published over 65 scientific articles.
Maher has consulting experience, providing expertise to several companies of regional, and national scope. The expertise provided was in the areas of battery management systems for portable power supplies and high-voltage DC for maritime applications.
His vision is to lead with novelty, innovation, and impactful solutions that shape the future. And his mission is to excel in research, teaching, and administrative endeavours, generating national and international impact to elevate the reputation of the university.
Summary of Research Interests
Maher has over 20 years of experience in research. My main research activities include:
- Battery Management Systems,
- Real-time digital control of power electronic converters,
- Design of novel power converters,
- Microgrids and Smart Grids,
- System identification and parameter estimation, system modelling,
- Hardware in the loop (HIL) and digital twins,
- Power Electronics 4.0- Intelligent Power Electronics
Research Projects & External Funding
- Toward Building Skills and Awareness in Embedded Digital Control of Power Electronic Systems, Innovate UK, Consortium: Teesside University and Sheffield Hallam University, (PI, TU cost 58K), October 2022.
- Condition Monitoring of Integrated Motors for Predictive Maintenance and Safe-Operation, Lloyd’s Foundation, Consortium: Teesside University and Middle East Technical University in Turkey, (PI, TU cost 9.453K), June 2021.
- SERPENT: Sustainable Energy Recovery Process for Efficient Nascent Technologies, IETF energy efficiency and decarbonisation studies, Spring 2021, (CI at TU, TU cost £14,646), March 2022.
- ERDF Grow Tees Valley - GAP - UCS Renewables, (CI, cost £ 9,434.84).
- Newton Fund Travel Grants for early career researcher links program by British Council and Newton-Khalidi (£600), 2019.
- Solar PV, Wind and Fuel Cell Hybrid System with DC Micro Grid, University of Teesside Capital Funding (RCIF), (PI, 30K, 2021).
- Design and Implementation of a Laboratory Microgrid for Teaching and Research, internal seed research funding, Teesside University, (PI, £10K, 2020).
- Rapid Non-destructive Sensors for Battery State-of-Health Assessment, internal seed research funding, Teesside University, (CI, £10K, 2020).
- Intelligent Flexible Ultrasonic Sensing Technologies for Battery Health and Life Monitoring, internal seed research funding, Teesside University, (CI, £9K,2019).
- Signal Processing Techniques for Adaptive Battery Modelling and Health Monitoring, internal seed research funding, Teesside University, (PI, £6K,2018).
PhD and Research Opportunities
Ma'd El-Dalahmeh, “Battery Degradation Diagnosis Using Advanced Signal Processing”, Teesside University. Main Supervisor
Moat'h El-Dalahmeh “Battery lifetime Identification Using Machine Learning”, Teesside University. Main Supervisor
Mudhafar Al-Saadi “Developed multi-agent-based control of distributed energy storages, to optimise renewable energy balance and penetration of Micro and smart grids. Main Supervisor
Kapila Warnakulasuriya, “Parametric design of magnetics for modern power electronics applications”, 2022, Teesside University. Co-supervisor. Now: Co-Director of Buckingham Magnetics Ltd.
Ahmed Fakhri, “Modelling and Degradation Cost Assessment of Batteries in Capacity Markets”, 2021, Teesside University. Co-Supervisor. Now: Research Fellow in industrial decarbonisation at the University of Leeds.
Jin Xu, “System Identification and Control of Multi rial power converter”, 2022, Newcastle University. Co-Supervisor.
Xiang Lu, “Online Junction Temperature Estimation of SiC MOSFETs”, 2019, Newcastle University. Co-Supervisor.
Cuili Chen, “Condition monitoring techniques for silicon IGBT modules in wind power application”, Newcastle University. Now: PostDoc Technical University of Munich.
Hamza Khalfalla, “Adaptive Proportional Resonate controller for single phase grid-connected PV Inverter based on Grid impedance estimation Technique”, Newcastle University, 2019. Co-supervisor. Now: Senior Lecturer- Tyne Metropolitan College.
External Roles and Professional Activities
- University Star Award on Research Performance, Teesside University, 2019.
- Topic Editor: MDPI Energies Journal (September 2020-Ongoing).
- Associated Editor: IET Power Electronics (March 2018–January 2022).
- Best Paper Award: 57th IEEE International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC, 2022.
- FHEA, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2019.
- Guest Member of Staff: Newcastle University (March 2018–January 2022).
- Co-Chair and Programme Chair of UPEC 2021 Conference.
- Organised Seminars/ Invited Talk:
- Invited Talk: Middle East Technical University, school of Engineering, “System Identification Techniques in Digital Control Design for DC-DC Switch Mode Power Converters”, 2022.
- Invited Keynote talk: 6th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 2021), “Advanced Signal Processing, AIs and Machine Learning in Condition Monitoring, Prognostic and Diagnostic of Power Electronic Converters and Batteries”, 2021.
- Invited Talk: University of Leicester, School of Engineering, “Advanced Signal Processing, AIs and Machine Learning in Condition Monitoring, Prognostic and Diagnostic of Power Electronic Converters and Batteries”, 2021.
- Invited Speaker: International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and British Council/ Newton Fund; China-UK 2021, “Advanced Signal Processing, Als and Machine Learning for Battery Modelling and State Estimation”, 2021.
- Invited Seminar: Middle East Technical University, School of Engineering, “Advanced Signal Processing, AIs and Machine Learning in Condition Monitoring, Prognostic and Diagnostic of Power Electronic Converters and Batteries”, 2021.
- Invited Speaker: International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing (ISAIC 2020); “System Identification Algorithms for Modelling and Advanced Control of Power Electronics Converters”; 2020.
- Invited Speaker: Online Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Applications, DSP2020, “Signal Processing Techniques in Condition Monitoring and Control of Power Electronics Converters and Battery System”; 2020.
- Invited Speaker: in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Egypt & Guadalajara Chapters Webinar, “Condition Monitoring of Lithium-Ion Batteries using Advanced Signal Processing Techniques”; 2020.
- Invited Talk: Technical University of Munich (TUM), “System Identification Techniques in Digital Control Design of Switch Mode Power Converters”; 2018.
- Invited Talk: University of Douhk, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, “LABVIEW- FPGA for Rapid Hardware Implementation”, 2013.
- Session Chair:
- 3rd IEEE Internarial Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia at Kaohsiung Center, Taiwan, June 2017.
- 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2017.
- Guest Editor:
- Special issue “Powering Net Zero missions" MDPI-Electronics,2021.
- Special issue “Powering Net Zero missions" MDPI-Energies, 2021.
- Special issue “Reliability of WBG-Based Power Electronic Circuits in Electric Vehicles” MDPI-Energies 2020”.
- Special issue “Future Smart Grid Systems” MDPI-Energies,2020”.
- PhD External Examiner:
- Komal Saleem, for the thesis entitled “Battery Modelling and Control for Grid-Connected Electric Vehicle Applications under Abnormal Grid Conditions”. Queen Mary University of London, March 2022.
- Muhammad Sajjad Sabir Malik, for the thesis entitled “Online Monitoring of States of Charge and Health of Battery using Constrained Optimisation through Model Predictive Control”, Queen Mary University of London, 2021.
- Raed Ibrahim, for the thesis entitled “Advanced Techniques for Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis”, Loughborough University, 2019.
- Regular Reviewer: IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Applications, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transaction on Circuits & Systems, IET Power Electronics Journal, IET Electronic Letter, IET Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Technologies.
Learning and Teaching Interests and Activities
Module Samples:
Power Conversion for Energy Systems ENG-4021-N (Module leader, 2021–2022), Power Electronics-EAC4025-N (Module Leader, 2019–2020), Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Devices-ENG-3010-N (Module Leader, 2018–2022), Linear Systems and Control–EAC-2020–N (Module Leader, 2018–2022), Electrical Principles-ENG–1010–N (Module leader, 2018–2019), Electrical Drive System-EAC-3062-N (Module tutor, 2017–2018), Electrical Engineering Design and Implementation- EAC-3041–N (Module leader, 2017–2018).
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Marine to Electric Power – SeNZe-Tech™ the Smart Way to Clear The Hurdles
Short, M. (PI), Al-Greer, M. (CoI), Prakash, A. (CoI) & Di Stefano, A. (CoI)
1/11/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Development of new, innovative technologies for electric vehicle battery recycling & low carbon minerals recovery in the Tees Valley
Short, M. (PI), Al-Greer, M. (CoI), Cui, X. (CoI) & Rehman, S. (RA)
1/09/23 → 28/02/25
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Solar Energy for a Decarbonised Future - Knowledge Transfer for Environmental Education and Awareness
Al-Greer, M. (PI)
1/02/24 → 1/01/25
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AI-Driven Adaptive Fast Charging for Electrical Vehicles- Empowering Skills and Curriculum Development
Al-Greer, M. (PI) & Charles Thanasingh Packiaraj, M. J. (CoI)
8/11/23 → 31/12/24
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Al-Greer, M. (PI)
1/11/23 → 1/02/24
Project: Consultancy
A Novel Nonlinear Time-dependent Hazard Extended Intelligent Reliability Prediction Approach for Electric Vehicle Motor Controller
Raghavendra Rao, N. S., Chitra, A., Krishnachaitanya, D. & Al-Greer, M., 2025, (Accepted/In press) In: IEEE Access.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Analysis of Integration of Renewable Energy into HVDC System via Advanced Marx DC-DC Converter Equipped with Fault Ride-Through System
Javaid, M. M., Charles Thanasingh Packiaraj, M. J. & Al-Greer, M., 31 May 2024, (Accepted/In press) 59th IEEE International Universities Power Engineering Conference, IEEE UPEC 2024. IEEEResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
A Novel Reliability Estimation Methodology Towards the Design and Implementation of Symmetric Multilevel Inverter for Long Run Applications
Krishnachaitanya, D., A., C., Al-Greer, M. & Biswas, S. S., 13 Dec 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: IET Power Electronics.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
A Review of the EoL EV Batteries Sorting and Disassembly Challenges
Rehman, S., Short, M., Savage, R., Cui, X., Al-Greer, M., Emandi, B. & Burn, A., 23 Oct 2024, International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 6 p. (International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC)).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
Design and Development of High Voltage DC Power Supply for Remotely Operated Vehicle Applications
Rehman, H., Al-Greer, M., Pinedo-Cuenca, R. & Warnakulasuriya, K., 14 Jun 2024, In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2024, 3, p. 417-422 6 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Conference article › peer-review
Teesside University and Sheffield Hallam University team up to address net zero skills gaps
1 Media contribution
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International project to help drive shift towards electric vehicles
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Research team develop pioneering battery management for electric cars
1 item of Media coverage
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Battery Prognostic and Diagnostics with Big Data and AI
Al-Greer, M., Short, M., El-Dalahmeh, M. & El-Dalahmeh, M.
1 Media contribution
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