Personal profile
Academic Biography
Involved with developing UG/PG Courses for the School of Computing, Media & the Arts.
- Actively involved in delivering the following subject matters:
- Advanced Database System - SQL Server
- Systems Development
- Agile Development Projects
- Enterprise Project - Live Client Group Projects
- Final Year Projects
Liaise with corporate clients in identifying suitable live projects for TU students to undertake.
Summary of Research Interests
- Data Analytics or Data Science
- Production Control Systems
- Production Monitoring Systems
- MRP Systems
Enterprise Interest and Activities
Consultancy with TU corporate clients in identifying live projects, internships, placements and employment positions for SCMA students. Supporting KEI and KTP business activities.
- Support the PL E&BE and PL Events identify external organisations to attend, participate and sponsor our external facing events(e.g. ExpoSeries, Animex, Journalism Awards).
- Regularly liaising with corporate clients with enterprise and business engagement activity.
- Work closely with with industry in identify companies for live projects, industry speakers and extra-curricular activities.
Currently engaged with Cisco and Sage in various business engagement activities aimed at SCMA students.
Learning and Teaching Interests and Activities
- Module Leader for Advanced Database Systems both at TU and its international partners throughout the world.
- Module Leader for Enterprise Project both at TU and international partners.
- Module Leader for Agile Development Projects.
- Support Tutor for Systems Development Methods.