Personal profile

Academic Biography

Dr Qiang Guo is a senior lecturer in the School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies (SCEDT) at Teesside University (TU). He holds a PhD degree from Brunel University London in Computer Science. His PhD work investigated formal methods in software conformance testing. After completing his PhD, he joined the University of Sheffield, Robert Gordon University, and then the University of Cambridge as Research Associate / Fellow respectively. Prior to joining TU, he worked as a senior software engineer at MasterCard (London) where he was involved in the design and testing of large scale distributed and concurrent systems. Dr Guo’s research work has extensively investigated formal methods in software engineering, particularly in model-checking large scale distributed and concurrent infra-structures.

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Summary of Research Interests

  • Formal methods in software engineering, especially testing and model-checking of distributed and concurrent systems.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) based approaches in software conformance testing.
  • Algorithmic skeleton based parallel computing and its application in software engineering.

Research Projects & External Funding

  • (PI) MC-IoT: Model Checking IoT System, Cyber security academic startup accelerator programme 2024-25: phase 1,  04/2024, £31,907.
  • (CI) Parrot AI, Enterprise Project, 2023, £40k.

Academic Achievements


  • JM Tirado, O Serban, Q Guo, E Yoneki, Web data knowledge extraction, arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.07534, 2016.
  • Q Guo, J McCall, H González-Vélez, Computing UIO Sequences using Parallel GAs, PPSN, pp 1 - 4, 2012.
  • Q Guo, J Derrick, Formally Based Tool Support for Model Checking Erlang ApplicationsInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 13, 355-376, 2011.
  • K Derderian, RM Hierons, M Harman, Q Guo, Estimating the Feasibility of Transition Paths in Extended Finite State Machines, Automated Software Engineering, 17, 33-56, 2010.
  • Q Guo, J Derrick, C Benac Earle, LÅ Fredlund, Model-Checking Erlang - A Comparison between EtomCRL2 and McErlang, 5th International Academic and Industrial Conference, Testing - Practice and Research Techniques,  LNCS 6303, pp 23 - 38, 2010.
  • Q Guo, J Derrick, N Walkinshaw, Applying Testability Transformations to Achieve Structural Coverage of Erlang Programs, 21th IFIP Int. Conference on Testing of Communicating System, LNCS 5826, pp 81 - 96, 2009.
  • N Walkinshaw, J Derrick, Q Guo, Iterative Refinement of Reverse-Engineered Models by Model-Based Testing, 16th Int. Symposium on Formal Methods, LNCS 5850, pp 305 - 320, 2009.
  • Q Guo, J Derrick, C Hoch, Verifying Erlang Telecommunication Systems with the Process Algebra muCRL, 28th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Methods for Networked and Distributed Systems, LNCS 5048, pp 201 - 217, 2008. 
  • Q Guo, RM Hierons, M Harman, K Derderian, Heuristics for fault diagnosis when testing from finite state machines, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 17 (1), 41-57, 2007.
  • Q Guo, J Derrick, Verification of Timed Erlang/OTP Components Using the Process Algebra muCRL6th ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, pp 55 - 64, 2007.
  • Q Guo, Verifying Erlang/OTP Components in muCRL, 27th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Methods for Networked and Distributed Systems, LNCS 4574, pp 227 - 246, 2007.
  • Q Guo, J Derrick, Eliminating overlapping of pattern matching when verifying Erlang programs in mCRL, 12th International Erlang User Conference (EUC’06), 2006.
  • K Derderian, RM Hierons, M Harman, Q Guo, Automated unique input output sequence generation for conformance testing of FSMs, The Computer Journal,  49 (3), 331-344, 2006.
  • Q Guo, RM Hierons, M Harman, K Derderian, Improving test quality using robust unique input/output circuit sequences, Information and Software Technology, 48 (8), 696-707, 2006.
  • Q Guo, RM Hierons, M Harman, K Derderian, Constructing Multiple Unique Input/Output Sequences Using Meta-heuristic Optimization Techniques, IEE Proceedings - Software, 152 (3), 127-140, 2005.
  • K Derderian, RM Hierons, M Harman, Q Guo, Generating feasible input sequences for extended finite state machines (EFSMs) using genetic algorithms, Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp 1081 - 1082, 2005.
  • Q Guo, RM Hierons, M Harman, K Derderian, Computing unique input/output sequences using genetic algorithms, 3rd International Workshop on Formal Approaches To Testing of Software, LNCS 2931, pp 164 - 177, 2004.
  • K Derderian, RM Hierons, M Harman, Q Guo, Input sequence generation for testing communicating finite state machines (CFSMs), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation–GECCO, pp 1429 - 1430, 2004.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Computer Science, Brunel University London

Master, Computational Intelligence, University of Plymouth

Bachelor, Industrial and Electrical Automation, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology