Personal profile
Academic Biography
As an experienced Academic, & Registered Nurse, I have held a variety of roles and have experience within the NHS and Higher Education sector. I have worked in Higher Education since 2006. I have taught across a range of modules & gained experience with module/course leadership. As course leader I led the development & writing of the Nursing Associate curriculum (North East Pilot); this involved working with regional partners & working to deadlines. Liaising with Health Education England, attending meetings with the NMC & RCN, networking with key stakeholders from the North East NHS Trusts and Primary care providers was a key part of the this role. I have expereince of curriculum development & design, & have supervised students at a variety of levels. I’m a confident public speaker, & have demonstrated this in lectures, conferences, & meetings. I have undertaken qualitative research projects, including a qualitative project looking at the challenges of reflective writing. I currently teach within the Nursing & Midwifery department, and have course leadership for the MCh programmes.
As Principal Lecturer (Marketing & Recruitment) I have developed a detailed understanding of the recruitment cycle. I am able to review & interpret application rates, recruitment targets, & work with the Associate Dean M&R to monitor the recruitment & selection process, student offers, & conversion rates. I work across several departments, and have responsibility for open days & outreach programmes, whilst providing support to admissions tutors and admission staff. I have an element of budgetary responsibility within this role.
I am experienced at chairing meetings (internal & external), & have chaired the adult nursing subcommittee, Recruitment & Marketing subcommittee, & recruitment transformational working group. I have worked closely with the Associate Dean (AD) for Marketing & Recruitment, & have been involved with strategic decision making, including contract discussions for student placements.
Education/Academic qualification
Master, MA Education: Exploring the challenges of reflective writing; the experiences and perceptions of third year undergraduate adult nursing students , School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Law
2009 → 2011
External positions
Access to HE Committee Member One Awards , Access to HE Diploma - ONE AWARDS
1 Dec 2019 → …