Project Details
"FutureAbilty – Digital and Transversal Skills for online Teachers” is a Strategic Partnership of organisations – Universities, Research Centres and Cultural Enterprises – working with Visual Methods and Digital Learning tools willing to investigate, produce and share Open Educational Resources(OER) to make online teaching more attractive and accessible, in reference to the European Frameworks DigCompEdu and LifeComp. The main challenge is the development of pedagogies and digital tools that could enable teachers and trainers to transport the content of their lessons in participatory and engaging on-line forms. The broad scope of these materials is to provide university lecturers with key digital and transversal competences and to improve online teaching methods and tools through effective use of innovative solutions with a special attention to visual methods.
Short title | FutureAbility |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/09/21 → 31/08/23 |
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