Project Details


Digitalisation, decentralisation, and decarbonisation are the key drivers underpinning major transformative change across many global industries and economies. The UK currently stands in a unique position with respect to its regulatory and trade position, and if opportunities related to international trade, borders and technology can be taken in a timely fashion, it can potentially deliver on its ambition of having the world's most effective border and create prosperity and enhance security for a global United Kingdom. Teesside University and Plexal have been asked to carry out a short independent scoping exercise for Her Majesty’s Government to analyse barriers and opportunities for digital trade technology and to begin to develop a design and sketch a governance framework for a centre for Digital Trade and Innovation (C4DTI). The concept of the C4DTI is to deploy a specific ecosystem to foster and build collaborations between academia, technologists, central and local government, business/industry and other key stakeholders to enable the UK to successfully deploy and utilise world leading infrastructure, processes and systems to become the global leader in digital trade. The purpose of the prosed project is to: carry out a short investigative research and scoping exercise to scope the case for support for a C4FT, and to set out a series of initial actions and sketch a broad remit which the C4DTI can provide in order to steer UK digital trade and border policy and practice along the correct trajectory to achieving the UK’s ambitious goals.
Effective start/end date22/02/2231/03/22


  • HMRC


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