Horizontally + Vertically Integrated Cloud-Based Energy Management Platform

Project: Research

Project Details


The ADIO/ESG/IPI Smart Cities Pilot Project proposes to develop and implement a prototype of a supervisory, cloud-based aggregated energy management system (EMS). The EMS offers a new integrated approach for distributed optimization of multiple buildings with integrated Photovoltaics, Wind Turbines, Battery Storage, HVAC, CCHP and district heating/cooling systems. The project will involve technical development and implementation of cloud-based smart solutions for energy efficiency in the built environment, focusing on software development and system integration for energy control, analytics, and visualisation. The system is to be piloted in the city of Al Dhannah, Abu Dhabi in a large-scale demonstration involving multiple residential, office and leisure spaces in order to improve energy efficiency, leverage cost reductions and enable better integration of local renewable resources (Solar, Wind) and improved utilisation of district cooling resources in a real-world practical situation.
Effective start/end date1/04/2330/09/24


  • Enterprise Singapore


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