National Numbers: To implement a strategic digital marketing toolkit built upon consumer psychologyprinciples enabling the growth of existing and new markets.

Project: Other

Project Details


National Numbers (a subsidiary of Jepson & Co) sell personalised number platesdirect to consumers. Their 5 year growth strategy is based on;
increasing their market share and volume of higher value product sales,
diversification of markets to include B2C & B2B, and
diversification of products to complement core product sales.
Their current marketing strategy and budget is focused on pay per click whichoffers little client insight and little control over market reach.
The growth strategy needs a new, proactive, marketing model which respondsoptimally to and engages with consumers needs.
The KTP will connect and respond better to their current customer base and reacha broader potential demographic.
Key objectives;
Integrating Consumer Psychology into Marketing Strategy Formation
Implementation of Marketing Strategy
Development and Launch of a Marketing Toolkit
Visualisation of customer engagement and marketing KPIs through the creationof a Marketing Dashboard
Creation and implementation of a market diversification (e.g. B2B) model
Creation and implementation of product diversification model
The innovation lies in integrating Digital Marketing with Consumer Psychologyprinciples, to underpin a marketing strategy and marketing assets to facilitatebetter optimal engagement and enhance brand loyalty in a digital context.
Effective start/end date6/01/256/01/27


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