NetZeroFyer: An AI-based tool to help people and businesses make more eco-conscious purchase decisions

Project: Consultancy

Project Details


The world is currently facing a severe environmental problem, and both individuals and businesses must start making eco-friendly choices. However, one of the main challenges is that people often struggle to find reliable information to guide them in making environmentally conscious decisions. The project (NetZeroFyer) will develop an intelligent software/app for mobile/tablet or website plugin that can provide accurate and valuable information on the environmental impact of Household Appliances (HA) and Electric Vehicle (EVs) to promote eco-conscious purchase decisions (ECPD) in digital market environments. NetZeroFyer uses an AI-based realistic long-run payoff estimator and a behavioral mechanism named FAB to provide useful information and assist consumers in making informed decisions about HAs and EVs during online purchases. This will ultimately help in achieving the UK's NetZero target.
Short titleNetZeroFyer:
Effective start/end date19/08/2428/02/25


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