NIHR ARC NENC - Modelling financial incentives to motivate pregnant smokers to quit - using Evolutionary Game Theory

Project: Research

Project Details


This study is part of primary prevention and knowledge mobilisation for a high-risk group; women who smoke during pregnancy. This is in response to practice and policy drivers, indicating that although NICE guidance 26 is embedded into practice, rates of smoking in pregnancy continue to be of concern. By developing this computer model, based on Evolutionary Game Theory, we will establish the first stage in a prevention and behaviour change intervention that may improve smoking cessation outcomes for pregnant women. We anticipate it will be available for use in local and national healthcare systems and has the potential to become a model for other health behaviours.

Layman's description

Our aim is to develop a basic computer model to show the various options and how they might operate when introducing financial incentives to support pregnant women to stop smoking.

Key findings

In progress
Short titleModelling financial incentives to motivate pregnant smokers to quit
Effective start/end date1/11/2028/02/22




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