Prevention of Adult Not Brought (PANB)

Project: Research

Project Details


Historically, Did Not Attend (DNA) has been the only code available to use to record when an appointment was missed by an adult. However, this is neither appropriate nor accurate when describing adults who cannot attend. Often the categorisation of missed appointments as DNA’s can ultimately lead to sanctions such as the removal from a GP register or removal of provision of health services. A new code of Adult Not Brought (ANB) has been developed to offer an alternative to DNA. The implementation of this code can address unnecessary costs to the individual and the NHS while addressing health inequalities.

Key findings

- We found that there were numerous barriers to for PwLD and PwA in attending health care appointments, but that there were also some very helpful ideas about what can help them to attend healthcare appointments.

- We identified examples of reasonable adjustments that could help PwLD and PwA to attend healthcare appointments.

- We identified some gaps and areas for development in the Prevention of Adult Not Brought Strategy.
Short titlePANB
Effective start/end date3/04/2327/02/24


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