The project has been funded by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) through their Research Grants Programme.
The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate a Privacy Preferences software tool (a research demonstrator) for citizens’ health and social care data.
In achieving its aim the project has:
• Developed a Privacy Preferences System (a research demonstrator) for citizens’ health and social care data, based on previous research into Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) technology.
• Conducted focus group evaluations of the demonstrator to assess its ease-of-use and acceptability. The focus groups comprised citizens with a wide of backgrounds and computing experience. Design of the user interface was progressively reworked according to successive focus group evaluations.
• Collaborated with other projects and interested parties, particularly with the Great North Care Record project. We are grateful to the ICO for advice regarding rights and obligations under the GDPR when processing personal data.
The findings of the project are summarised in the report "On citizens controlling access to their health and social care data for direct care", available from TeesRep below.
The dissemination of results and the enhancement of the software demonstrator are continuing. More materials and papers will be posted on this site.