The Digital Excellence Impact Case Studies is a platform to showcase digital excellence in learning and teaching practices and thinking across the University.

  • Dodd, Rachel (PI)

Project: Research

Project Details


The Digital Excellence Impact Case Studies is a platform to showcase digital excellence in learning and teaching practices and thinking across the University.
Launched by the Digital Transformation team in SLAR, our next digital excellence case study is from Rachel Dodd, SACI, featuring Using Adobe Spark for Formative and Summative Assessment to Engage Students in a Creative Learning Journey.

Layman's description

Using digital tech to create more interesting and effective Higher Education learning experiences.

Key findings

Using digital tools such as Adobe Express can improve student's ability to retain information, improve their learning abilities and be productive learners. Furthermore using these outputs in an a-synchronous way provides in-module feedback which improved the student experience and suggests an improvement in summative assessment.
Read full blog here:

Download Digital Excellence case study here:
Short titleDigital Excellence
Effective start/end date26/01/2131/05/21


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