A high performance CMOS band-gap reference circuit design

Wendan Wendan Xu, Donglai Xu, Ian French

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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This paper presents a CMOS band-gap reference design, which possesses the characteristics of low noise and high power supply rejection capability. Thus, it is suitable for the applications of a wide range of frequency and power input. In order to reduce thermal noise and to provide the output reference voltage that is resistant to power supply variations, the design incorporates an RC filter into conventional reference structure. Moreover, a fast turn-on circuit is introduced into the design to improve turn-on time of the circuit. The simulation results show that within the frequency range from 100Hz to 10MHz, the design has achieved an average power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) of more than 80dB and an average noise of 8.5uVrms. With the fast turn-on circuit, the improved band-gap reference circuit can reach its steady state within 100 microseconds.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2005 IEEE international workshop on VLSI design and video technology, IWVDVT 2005
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Event2005 IEEE international workshop on VLSI design and video technology, IWVDVT - Suzhou, China
Duration: 28 May 200530 May 2005


Conference2005 IEEE international workshop on VLSI design and video technology, IWVDVT

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