A new perspective on reintegrating sexual offenders into the community. [Blog]

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Deciding upon a PhD topic is not an easy task, which is why it took many months for me to finalise the research question I wanted to investigate; ‘exploring the barriers and facilitators to the release, desistance, and reintegration of sexual offenders and the impacts this has upon recidivism’. I had been extensively, and exclusively reading around the sex offender literature for evidence that supported successful reintegration for this population group, when my director of studies (Professor Nadia Wager) and I discussed a different approach. Instead of limiting myself to just one small area of research, why not broaden it to find methods that are not currently being explored in this area? Nadia agreed and then offered me one of her books from a large and impressive collection ‘Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection’ by Michael Wessells (2006).
Original languageEnglish
TypeBlog post
PublisherCentre of Applied Psychological Science
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

Please note that this blog (CAPS research) has since been closed.


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