A novel interactive diagram to explain pain neurophysiology to patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain (CMP): A practical guide

Richard King, Victoria Robinson, Cormac Ryan, Denis Martin

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    Pain neurophysiology education (PNE) is a commonly used treatment for chronic musculoskeletal pain with growing evidence for its efficacy. PNE purports to work by aiding pain reconceptualisation; that is to understand not all pain faithfully represents tissue damage and it can be modulated by many factors. However, our previous research suggests only partial reconceptualisation follows PNE leaving scope for improvement. Educational theory suggests that learning outcomes are improved if teaching is delivered through a variety of appropriate mediums; audio, visual, kinaesthetic. Therefore, our team has developed an interactive diagram that allows pain neurophysiology to be actively illustrated (audio/visually) throughout PNE sessions. This paper provides a step-by-step protocol for the delivery of PNE using the interactive diagram. Future work is needed to assess the added value of this interactive diagram.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)24-32
    Number of pages9
    JournalPain and Rehabilitation: The Journal of the Physiotherapy Pain Association
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017


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