A review of channel dependent scheduling in wireless networks

M. Shahwaiz Afaqui, Amna Qureshi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The demand of wireless networks has arisen in the past 10 years as more and more people are opting to use mobile for not only making a voice call but to use this technology for different purposes such as emailing, texting, etc. While the cost of equipment used in the wireless networks creates a difficulty in having more and more equipment installed, there is a greater need for the fair share of resources of the network. One of the solutions to the better management of wireless resources is scheduling. Scheduling is the process by which different users of a system get the access of the shared resource. These shared resources in the system are always limited as compared to the increase number of users accessing the system. At this point scheduling provides means to fair access for different users. In this paper we would like to analyze a scheduling scheme called channel dependent scheduling. Our emphasis would be on how this scheduling is done in the current wireless technologies, with a brief description of the physical layer of these technologies. We would also discuss some of the channel dependent scheduling algorithms proposed for the future wireless technologies such as MANETs (Mobile Adhoc Networks).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2012 15th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC)
ISBN (Print)9781467322522
Publication statusPublished - 2 May 2013
Externally publishedYes


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