A social network analysis of two networks: Adolescent school network and Bitcoin trader network

Victor Chang, Karl Hall, Qianwen Xu, Le Minh Thao Doan, Zhi Wang

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This paper applies social network analysis in two experiments. In the first experiment, social network analysis is conducted on student friendship networks to find relational patterns. Then, three community detection methods are used to divide the student network. The RSiena package is used to illustrate the coevolution of friendship networks with smoking and drinking behavior. In this experiment, it was determined that in the closed network, same-sex reciprocated relationships are preferred. The second experiment analyzes a weighted trust network that involves users trading with Bitcoin on the BTC-Alpha platform. Since the dealers of Bitcoin are anonymous, there is an urgent need to record every dealer’s credit history to prevent fraud and other security problems. The second experiment aims to improve security problems within the Bitcoin trust network by applying social network analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100065
JournalDecision Analytics Journal
Early online date11 May 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 May 2022


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