A State Aware Model and Architecture for the Monitoring and Enforcement of Electronic Contracts.

Ellis Solaiman, Ioannis Sfyrakis, Carlos Molina-Jiménez

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Internet, Cloud, and IoT (Internet of Things) based business relationships involve electronic interactions that are normally regulated using Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and contracts that specify the rights, obligations, and prohibitions of the entities involved in the interactions. After a contract has been negotiated and agreed, all parties will need assurances that the service interactions comply with the clauses of the agreements between the parties, and that any violations are detected, prevented, and their causes identified. Because of the dynamic nature of emerging IoT and Cloud based relationships, there is a need for automated support for the monitoring and enforcement of service agreement policies. This paper develops a novel model for representing contract clauses using business rules that is specifically designed for contract compliance checking and enforcement. We identify what events need to be generated and captured from the underlying messaging middleware, and describe key design issues for a state aware contract monitoring and enforcement service.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings 2016 IEEE 18th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)
ISBN (Electronic)9781509032310
ISBN (Print)9781509032327
Publication statusPublished - 12 Dec 2016
Event18th Conference on Business Informatics - Paris, France
Duration: 29 Aug 20161 Sept 2016


Conference18th Conference on Business Informatics
Abbreviated titleCBI

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