An empirical study of software requirements verification and validation techniques along their mitigation strategies

Hameed Ullah Khan, Ikram Asghar, Shahbaz Ahmad AK Ghayyur, Mohsin Raza

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Requirements engineering is very crucial phase of software development cycle. Different sub activities
are performed during requirements engineering. Previous research shows that there are various techniques regarding
requirements verification and validation. These techniques can have different relative importance in different
situation. Typically the requirements engineers don’t have proper knowledge regarding nature of each technique.
Existing requirements validation & verification techniques differ in their ability to effectively cover the system
requirements. It is highly desirable to conduct an empirical study on requirements verification and validation
techniques to know their relative importance in opinion of different experts. In this study we developed a
questionnaire based on requirements verification and validation techniques and their relative importance. Analysis of
the results indicates that according to experts point of view (based on their experiences and judgments) ambiguous
requirements are the biggest reason behind requirements verification and validation issues. Experts do believe that
review and inspection are the best mitigation strategies to remove or minimize requirements verification and
validation challenges.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-80
JournalAsian Journal of Computer and Information Systems
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2015


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