And Shift! A Review of Approaches That Support Transition from A-Level Art and Design to Fine Art Undergraduate Study

Jude Thomas

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The profile of students applying to BA Fine Art undergraduate programs has shifted in the United Kingdom (UK). Until recently the usual academic pathway was to proceed after A-level to a one-year Art Foundation program; this route is increasingly challenged by a sense of urgency to enter university earlier. Students more frequently enter straight from school. To accommodate the recruitment of younger applicants there are significant implications for Higher Education Fine Art pedagogy. This article reports on some of the approaches implemented at Northumbria University to support positive transition and learning within the BA Fine Art program. Using the Year 1–Level 4 Fine Art as a case study this reflects on how one university fine arts team has responded to the challenge of induction.
Keywords: art and design pedagogies; art university entry processes; transition; student engagement
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2019
Externally publishedYes


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