Application of polymer integration technique for enhancing polyacrylamide (PAM) performance in high temperature and high salinity reservoirs

Kingsley Godwin Uranta, Sina Rezaei Gomari, Paul Russell, Faik Hamad

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Polyacrylamides (PAM) are widely used as water-soluble polymers producing gel in oil reservoirs to assist in oilextraction from reservoirs with high levels of heterogeneity. These gels are susceptible to degradation due tohydrolysis in harsh reservoir conditions such as elevated temperature and salinity. This study uses a polymerintegration technique in attempting to optimize the performance of PAM in the enhanced oil recovery process forreservoirs with high temperature and salinity. The results show that, at high temperature, hydrolysis is suppressedand gel stability is maintained via the addition of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to PAM solutions.The optimum composition was identified as being 20/80 wt% PAM: PVP for oilfield operations at 90C and amoderate salinity of 43,280 ppm. The degree of hydrolysis at 30 days was suppressed from 75% to 29.9%, withassociated increases in viscosity from 11 to 38.2 mPa.s and from 18 to 44.3 mPa.s corresponding to rotationalspeeds of 30 and 10 rpm respectively.The issue of high salinity was considered by increasing the salinity of the optimised PAM: PVP mixture to200,000 ppm. Under these conditions the degree of hydrolysis of the optimised solution increased from 29.9 to46.9% and viscosity decreased from 38.2 to 28.6 and from 44.3 to 40.4 mPa.s for rotational speeds of 30 and 10rpm respectively. 2-Acrylamido-2-MethylpropaneSulfonic acid (AMPS) was added to the mix to try to improvetemperature stability. It was observed that, with an optimum composition of 18/72/10 wt% PAM:PVP:AMPS, thedegree of hydrolysis decreased to 22% with viscosity levels of 30.6 and 22.8 mPa.s corresponding to rotationalspeeds of 10 and 30 rpm respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere02113
Pages (from-to)e02113
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2019


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