Architecture Design Made Easy: Working Drawings for Beginners

Emeka Ebuz Mgbemena, Ebere Donatus Okonta

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Working drawings, though a subset, of the design process, yet, a very important aspect of it. Thus, architects must develop good design vocabularies in order to achieve excellent results. Strict adherence to design rules and conventions will reduce the ambiguity created in most working drawings and enable architects speak similar language over a period of time, thus creating a clearer pathway for other allied professionals to follow.

This book on the working drawing will help to relay some of the dos and don’ts in drafting working drawings. It is good for practicing architects, those studying architecture or related courses, allied professionals and scholars. It affords the reader the opportunity to reflect on the symbols, signs, explanations, terminologies that are likely to come up when preparing working drawings. It also takes into consideration first-timers who have little or no experience in drafting skills as it starts from the rudimentary, and takes the reader all the way through, to the professional requirements.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAmazon Publishers
Number of pages215
ISBN (Print)9798488348011
Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2021


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