Aspiring to go abroad: How and when international entrepreneurial aspiration fuel emerging markets entrepreneurial ventures’ internationalisation speed

Michael Gyensare, Domnan Miri, Nadia, Zahoor, Mahmoud Alajaty

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


While the international entrepreneurship literature suggests that international entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) is a critical strategic posture that can enhance the speed of internationalisation, the drivers pertaining to entrepreneurial aspiration in the international entrepreneurship context remains underexplored. Using the theory of planned behaviour, this study explored how IEO arising from international entrepreneurial aspiration triggers the speed of internationalisation of entrepreneurial ventures in an emerging economy – Ghana. Based on a moderated mediation model, this study posits that international political network ties moderates the positive link between IEO and internationalisation speed and strengthens the positive indirect effect between international entrepreneurial aspiration and the speed of internationalisation. Results from a sample of 229 entrepreneurial ventures supported our hypotheses. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as the limitations and future research directions are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Article number101130
JournalJournal of International Management
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2024


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