Automatic Generation of Security Protocols Implementations: (Extended Abstract)

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    The implementation of security protocols is challenging and error-prone. A model-driven development approach allows the automatic generation of an application, from a simpler and abstract model that can be formally verified. Our AnBx compiler is a tool for automatic genera- tion of Java code of security protocols specified in the Alice&Bob nota- tion. In contrast with existing tools, it uses a simpler specification lan- guage and computes the consistency checks that agents have to perform on reception of messages. Moreover, the tool applies various optimization strategies to achieve efficiency both at compile and run time.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    Event4th Cryptoforma Workshop at CSF - Verona, Italy
    Duration: 13 Jul 201513 Jul 2015


    Workshop4th Cryptoforma Workshop at CSF


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