Background Developments – Technology and the Process of Animating Vehicles

Research output: Other contribution


​Text discussing how changing technology over time has affected the process of animating vehicles, analysed through the lens of examining the backgrounds in three case studies. The conclusion is that the practical process of animating representational vehicles is entwined with the progression of technological developments. Regarding the role of background sets, it can be inferred that the constraints of 2D and Stop-Motion animation enabled their own creative solutions compared to CG animation which emulates conventional, realist temporal and spatial filmmaking techniques but also takes the camera to some impossible real-life positions.
Original languageEnglish
TypeAn academic blog that discusses the latest developments in animation, edited by peers.
Media of outputWeb Page
PublisherAnimationStudies 2.0
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2023


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