Cloud Computing Topology: Towards Enhancing the Performance

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    the fascinating world of Cloud computing has definitely changed the way of using computers and the Internet. The impact it has left so far on how IT and business services are delivered and managed is undeniable. Cloud computing is intended to permit access to huge quantity of computing power by combining resources and providing a solo system interface. A significant goal of this computing technology is to provide an information technology service model in which service provider creates computing resources and delivers them on demand. The cloud broker is the core of the cloud system as it behaves as a conciliator among two or more parties. I have introduced a new topology where the cloud broker has the ability to store the results of the cloud user requests for a specific period before sending them back to the cloud consumer or users. The aim of this topology is to save time and money when the cloud users decide to run the process all over again.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number311016147
    Pages (from-to)654-658
    Number of pages5
    JournalInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information Security
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2016


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