Cognitive-experiential modelling of human-computer interaction

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Cognitive and experiential factors in human-computer interaction have been the focus of significant recent attention, but a much needed integrated approach to these issues is lacking. Csikszentmihalyi’s flow theory offers a natural opportunity achieve this integration. The current research proposes such an integrated approach and applies this, combined with the person-task-artefact model (Finneran & Zhang, 2003), to the modelling of web navigation. A first experiment demonstrated the role of flow as a mediator of the effect task- and artefact complexity on task performance. A second experiment developed this work further by employing a staged model of flow (Guo & Poole, 2009) and demonstrated the crucial role of the preconditions of flow experience in human-computer interaction. The preconditions of flow experience - but not flow experience proper - mediated the effects of artefact- and task complexity on both flow and task outcome. Taking a wider perspective, the role of flow in human-computer action is important as a mediator of the effects of person-, artefact- and task variables on task performance, behavioural outcomes and (potentially) stable dispositions, such as life satisfaction.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2012
EventGraduate School Prometei Research Seminar, Technical University of Berlin - Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 16 Feb 201216 Feb 2012


SeminarGraduate School Prometei Research Seminar, Technical University of Berlin


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