Coincidence 1

S. (Sabrina) Schmid

    Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products

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    Animation film, 1 minute, colour, sound, digital movie HD 1920 x 1080 pixels. The animation film is in visually abstract genre, aiming to investigate original animation techniques transposed to digital drawing and painting to give a ‘handmade’ aesthetic to computer animation. It pays tribute to the works of early avant-garde artists and animators who experimented with abstract animation using film techniques and the visualization of music. Computer animation allows a re-interpretation of this heritage of abstract imagery in film. It also allows the author to expand upon film-based methods originally utilised in her earlier works of animation, transposed to computer animation. The artistic concern is to bring those creative and aesthetic elements that are not usually associated with computer animation to the digital medium, while explore animation through pure movement and form animated to music.

    Screening in "KALEIDAEYE reflections on infinite systems" curated by Sarah Klein, Peephole Cinema - A Miniature Cinema, San Francisco, USA, 24 May - 4 July 2016.

    Film Festivals Screenings international competitions: Los Angeles International Underground Film Festival Winter 2013, in International Competition, 7 – 8 December, Promenade Playhouse, Santa Monica CA, USA;
    Women's Independent Film Festival 2013, in International Competition 12 – 15 December, Promenade Playhouse Theatre, Santa Monica, CA, USA. Awarded: ‘Award of Merit’ Animated Film Category.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2013


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