Comparative Analysis of Speech Emotion Recognition Models and Technique

A. Agrawal, A. Jain, B. Kaur, S. Jangid, K. Kadian, V. Dwivedi, S. Garhwal

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) refers to accurately predicting human emotions from their speech. The ability to predict emotions through speech signals is a motivating factor in achieving Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This paper contains a comparative study of the existing research on speech emotion models. It makes use of the RAVDESS and SAVEE dataset containing audio input. The study of speech emotion recognition is made on SVM, CNN, KNN, MLP, Decision Tree, XGBoost, and Random Forest models. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the models highlighting the accuracy, F1 Score, bar plots, and loss graphs of the same. The paper also highlights the significant future areas for study in speech emotion recognition.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking, CICTN 2023
ISBN (Electronic)9798350338027
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2023
Externally publishedYes
Event2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking - Ghaziabad, India
Duration: 20 Apr 202321 Apr 2023


Conference2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Technology and Networking
Abbreviated titleCICTN
Internet address


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