Constructing a Regional Identity: The Christian Social Union and Bavaria's Common Heritage, 1949–1962

Graham Ford

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    The Christian Social Union's domination of Bavarian state and society is such that it has justifiably been described as Bavaria's ‘official and hegemonic party’ (Staats- und Hegemonialpartei). However, it is important not to take the CSU's regional identity as an historical given. This article examines how the CSU set about constructing an integral Bavarian (gesamtbayerisch) identity during the 1950s and early 1960s by articulating the diverse historical experiences of the region-state's localities and sub-regions as a common Bavarian heritage. Drawing on articles about Bavarian cities, reports on historical re-enactments and commemorative speeches by party leaders, the article explores the celebration of this heritage in terms of ‘political character’, culture and Christianity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)277-297
    JournalContemporary European History
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2007


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