Design of resonant structures in resin matrix to mitigate the blast wave with a very wide frequency range

QQ Li, Zhicheng He, Eric Li, Peng Liu, Xinyou Lin, Yi Wu

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In this work, resonant structures (RSs)are embeddedin the resinmatrixto form themicro-scale artificial composite materials to mitigate theblastwavewith a very wide frequency range (BWR).The propagation of stress waves in theresin and composite materials is described, and the composite materials exhibit strongerblastwave attenuation characteristiccompared withthe pure resin material.The attenuation mechanism of the composite materials is explained in detail through the absorption, storage and conversion of impactenergy.In addition, the influences of materialsof the RSson the performancesofthe composite materialsare analyzed, andthe RS is redesigned to further improvethe attenuation effect of the composite material. Equivalentmodel of the composite materialis first proposed and establishedbased on the weakly nonlinear latticesystem(WNLS).At the same time, artificial tree(AT) algorithm is applied to designitsspring stiffness parameters.Based on theWNLS, a three-dimensional composite materialplatestructure isbuiltto mitigatethe overpressure of blastwave at the macro-scale.Comparedwith traditional materials, the composite materialexhibitssuperior attenuation effect and greater lightweight.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages48
JournalSmart Materials and Structures
Early online date12 Feb 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Feb 2020


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