Detection of sinkhole attack in wireless sensor networks

S. Ahmad Salehi, M. A. Razzaque, Parisa Naraei, Ali Farrokhtala

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    15 Citations (Scopus)


    Generally wireless sensor networks rely of many-to-one communication approach for data gathering. This approach is extremely susceptible to sinkhole attack, where an intruder attracts surrounding nodes with unfaithful routing information, and subsequently presents selective forwarding or change the data that carry through it. A sinkhole attack causes an important threat to sensor networks and it should be considered that the sensor nodes are mostly spread out in open areas and of weak computation and battery power. In order to detect the intruder in a sinkhole attack this paper suggests an algorithm which firstly finds a group of suspected nodes by analyzing the consistency of data. Then, the intruder is recognized efficiently in the group by checking the network flow information. The proposed algorithm's performance has been evaluated by using numerical analysis and simulations. Therefore, accuracy and efficiency of algorithm would be verified.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Space Science and Communication, IconSpace
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Dec 2013
    Event3rd IEEE International Conference on Space Science and Communication - Melaka, Malaysia
    Duration: 1 Jul 20133 Jul 2013
    Conference number: 3

    Publication series

    NameInternational Conference on Space Science and Communication, IconSpace
    ISSN (Print)2165-4301
    ISSN (Electronic)2165-431X


    Conference3rd IEEE International Conference on Space Science and Communication
    Abbreviated titleIconSpace 2013


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