Determination of the factors controlling crystallography non-conformance in single crystal turbine blade production on an industrial scale

J. Cameron, Paul Shelton

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    Recrystallization and grain-growth, together with phase transformations, are the fundamental processes of microstructural evolution which occur during the thermomechanical treatment of engineering materials.
    This work is a collection of 235 peer-reviewed papers which review the most up-to-date achievements made in this subject and in related areas: (1) Static Recovery, Recrystallization and Related Properties, (2) Dynamic Recovery, Recrystallization and Elevated Temperature Deformation, (3) Grain Growth and Related Properties, (4) Grain Boundary/Interface Structure and Microstructure Development, (5) Computer Simulation and Modeling, (6) Recrystallization and Grain Growth in Ceramics and Thin Films, (7) Nanocrystallization and Grain Growth, and (8) Other Microstructure-Related Topics.
    Within these two volumes, the reader cannot fail to find a wealth of up-to-date information on current issues, concepts, techniques and results which will, in turn, advance his understanding of recrystallization and grain growth.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication Recrystallization and Grain Growth III
    PublisherTrans Tech Publications
    ISBN (Print)9780878494439
    Publication statusPublished - 2007

    Bibliographical note

    The arduous conditions to which hot section turbine components are subjected in service, dictate the superior physical and mechanical properties demanded of them. The demand for both high temperature and creep resistance, and anisotropic property requirements of the components has lead to developments in alloy composition, component geometry and single, oriented grain structure design. The slim tolerances and high quality standards imposed on such design features, combined with the high production volume in industry means that component non-conformances to the customer specifications occur. The input variables contributing to crystallography non-conformance in single crystal production have been investigated with a view to defining optimum process parameters for the successful manufacture of single crystal investment cast components on an industrial scale.


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