Developing and implementing new statutory chiropractic education standards in the United Kingdom: An educational descriptive report

Daniel Moore, Gabrielle Swait, Penny Bance

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Maintaining high standards of chiropractic education and training in the United Kingdom (UK) is a statutory duty administered by the Education Committee of the General Chiropractic Council (GCC). The aim of this descriptive report is to describe the GCC’s process for development and implementation of new statutory chiropractic education standards’ (ES) and highlight key outcomes arising from the process.
The GCC completed a multiphase process between 2021 and 2024 to develop and implement new ES. This process included; scoping review, drafting and mapping proposed standards, stakeholder engagement, consultation, statutory approval, and implementation.
Following implementation, the mapping of new standards to previous standards was reviewed and coded to identify new content, content change, and unchanged content.
113 standards were developed including 47 primary ES and 66 component standards. In comparison to the preceding ES, 36 (32%) standards were new, 55 (49%) were re-written or updated, and 22 (19%) remained unchanged. Key areas of change included person-centred approaches, collaborative healthcare, safety and quality assurance, population health, digital readiness, and equality diversity & inclusion. By September 2024 new ES implementation and existing programme recognitions will be complete.
Between 2021 and 2024 the GCC successfully developed and implemented processes for transition to new statutory ES. Compared to the preceding standards 81% of content was changed. The due process required to develop new ES within a regulated healthcare landscape, and the importance of reviewing standards to ensure they are contemporary and fit for purpose within a healthcare profession is demonstrated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2024
EventTwelfth World Federation of Chiropractic Global Education Conference: Technology and Innovation: Shaping the Future of Chiropractic Education - Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia
Duration: 30 Oct 20242 Nov 2024


ConferenceTwelfth World Federation of Chiropractic Global Education Conference
CityKuala Lumpur
OtherThe WFC Global Education Conference is the world’s premier event dedicated to chiropractic education and training. This outstanding Conference will bring together leaders and international experts to discuss and debate emerging trends in chiropractic education and will showcase the latest evidence-informed educational research. Delegates will have the opportunity to listen to renowned international experts in the field of healthcare education and share best practices from around the world. Inspiring, interactive workshops will focus on enhancing the learner experience whilst equipping faculty to develop skills and knowledge by better understanding innovations in key areas of knowledge transfer. At the same time, other stakeholders in chiropractic education, including national association leaders, will develop fresh perspectives to inform national and international development of the chiropractic profession.


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