Developing Re-Usable Interactive Storytelling Technologies

Marc Cavazza, Fred Charles, Steven Mead

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Despite the growing interest in Interactive Storytelling (IS), there have been only a small number of implemented demonstrators and few have attempted at developing a re-usable IS technology. In this paper we describe such an IS engine, which is the result of several years of experimentation in the field. The system is based on a game engine for its visualisation component, while the narrative generation component implements a variant of HTN Planning. After an introduction to the principles underlying the system, we introduce the associated production process and discuss authoring problems as well as tools we have developed to facilitate the use of the technology.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBuilding the Information Society
EditorsRenè Jacquart
PublisherSpringer US
ISBN (Electronic)9781402081576
ISBN (Print)9781402081569
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventIFIP 18th World Computer Congress - Toulouse, France
Duration: 22 Aug 200427 Aug 2004

Publication series

Name IFIP international federation for information processing


ConferenceIFIP 18th World Computer Congress

Bibliographical note

Author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing). For full details see [Accessed 04/06/2010]


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