Development and distribution of a questionnaire to evaluate technology within the UK Foundry Industry

Farhad Nabhani, Martin McKie, Simon Hodgson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This research is designed to discuss the results from a questionnaire which was distributed through the assistance of the Institute of Cast Metal Engineers to various Foundries within the United Kingdom. The questionnaire is designed to ask specific technological foundry based questions surrounding the implementation of Computer Aided Design Engineering tools, Finite Element Analysis, Enterprise Resource Planning, Subcontracting processes, Rapid Prototyping, recycling procedures and lean methodology all in an aid to discover what technologies and methodologies are currently being utilised in the UK foundry industry and also any limitations and barriers surrounding the implemented technologies. This research is to aid the development of a sustainable technology improvement model designed to be introduced into a UK Foundry. The research will examine the benefits achieved through examining technology utilised in other foundries and by examining and cross utilising various technologies and methodologies.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event22nd International Conference of Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing - Tampere University of Technology, Helsinki & Stockholm, Finland
Duration: 10 Jun 201213 Jun 2012
Conference number: 22


Conference22nd International Conference of Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
Abbreviated titleFAIM 2012
CityHelsinki & Stockholm

Bibliographical note

This research is designed to discuss the results from a questionnaire which was distributed through the assistance of the Institute of Cast Metal Engineers to various Foundries within the United Kingdom. The questionnaire is designed to ask specific technological foundry based questions surrounding the implementation of Computer Aided Design Engineering tools, Finite Element Analysis, Enterprise Resource Planning, Subcontracting processes, Rapid Prototyping, recycling procedures and lean methodology all in an aid to discover what technologies and methodologies are currently being utilised in the UK foundry industry and also any limitations and barriers surrounding the implemented technologies. This research is to aid the development of a sustainable technology improvement model designed to be introduced into a UK Foundry. The research will examine the benefits achieved through examining technology utilised in other foundries and by examining and cross utilising various technologies and methodologies.


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