Development of Risk Management Framework for Digitalization and AI use in Engineering Projects

Manu Ramegowda, Venkata Siddhardha

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Background-The Inclusion of Artificial intelligence and other digitalisation technologies in Engineering projects has enormous potential to fulfil project objectives that prioritize low risks and better end quality. However, using Artificial Intelligence and other digital technologies in projects was being less implemented practically on-site, especially in the construction sector in some countries, for many Socio-technical reasons.

Purpose-Recently, many projects worldwide have undergone critical constraints; due to these, the stakeholders are much concerned with evaluating risk as the nature of constraints is unstable, making it challenging to execute existing risk management processes.

Proposed work-Therefore, proposed work in this paper can resolve the complex constraints with higher positive benefits and minimise adverse impacts has become imperative. The proposed work contains designing an Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework by the algorithm for Engineering projects which can identify and analyse all possible risks and their consequent range of impact, with a broader performance study of each component of the AI framework with high-quality, minimal negative impacts, and cyber security with a high-end response to any new risk generation. Out of all Risk Management techniques/tools for AI systems to choose the most appropriate risk management process which can balance all Socio-technical systems, especially for multi-constraint projects. Thirdly, working of the AI Risk Management Framework and its operation. Finally, designing AI Risk Management Framework with detailed functioning is the main and is in the scope of this paper. The comparison analysis of proposed framework to existing framework can be done which will help in identifying key characteristics of the framework. There are two main limitations that require attention in future, first is Adoption of the framework in the practical project, and second is the absence of validation processes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023)
EditorsMário P. Brito, Terje Aven, Peiro Baraldi, Marko Čepin, Enrico Zio
PublisherResearch Publishing Singapore
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9789811880711
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2023
Event33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference - Southampton, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Sept 20237 Sept 2023


Conference33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference
Abbreviated titleESREL 2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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