Development of workspace conflict visualization system using 4D object of work schedule

Hyoun Seok Moon, Nashwan Dawood, LeenSeok Kang

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Generally, workspace conflict analysis between construction activities by a 3D or 4D CAD system is performed for checking the conflict between element bodies. However, in case of many projects which consist of diverse activities in limited area, the workspace conflict analysis for reducing interferences caused by labor or equipment work is also an important management factor. In particular, if some activities are constructed adjacent to the overlap period, the workspace for those activities may be conflicting. Workspace conflicts decrease work productivity, and accidents can occur. Therefore, it is desirable that the workspace conflict should be minimized in order to perform efficient work. This paper presents a methodology that generates workspaces using a bounding box model and an algorithm in order to identify schedule and workspace conflict. Additionally, a workspace conflict verification system was developed to analyze the workspace information by integrating algorithms that include the automated generation of workspace models and an automatic check of workspace conflict within a 4D simulator. If a project manager can identify the workspace conflict using the system described, the overlapped activities can be rescheduled to minimize the conflict. A case study of a bridge project has been conducted to evaluate the practical applications and feasibility of the developed system. Therefore, the safety and constructability of a project can be improved by the workspace analysis system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)50-65
    Number of pages16
    JournalAdvanced Engineering Informatics
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2014


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