Digital storytelling and the concept of the “modern” museum [Postface]

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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The time has come for subversive storytelling (Zipes, 2016) Storytelling is by its nature rooted in the past, influenced by the present and projected towards the future. It is so in its form and content, and digital technologies exponentially expand its channels of diffusion, broadening its horizon in the spatial dimension and accelerating its impact in the temporal dimension.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMuseums and Forms of Digital Storytelling
EditorsElisa Bonacini
PublisherAracne Editrice
ISBN (Electronic)9791259949691
ISBN (Print)9791259949653
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2022

Publication series

NameRiflessi in Elicona; 19


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