Distributed multihop clustering approach for Wireless Sensor Networks

Nauman Israr, Irfan Awan

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Prolonging the life time of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has been the focus of current research. One of the issues that needs to be addressed along with prolonging the network life time is to ensure uniform energy consumption across the network in WSNs especially in case of random network deployment. Cluster based routing algorithms are believed to be the best choice for WSNs because they work on the principle of divide and conquer and also improve the network life time considerably compared to flat based routing schemes. In this paper we propose a new routing strategy based on two layers clustering which exploits the redundancy property of the network in order to minimise duplicate data transmission and also make the intercluster and intracluster communication multihop. The proposed algorithm makes use of the nodes in a network whose area coverage is covered by the neighbouring nodes. These nodes are marked as temporary cluster heads and later use these temporary cluster heads randomly for multihop intercluster communication. Performance studies indicate that the proposed algorithm solves effectively the problem of load balancing across the network and is more energy efficient compared to the enhanced version of widely used Leach algorithm.

    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages21
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007
    Event2007 Symposium on Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation Tools for Communication Networks and Services - Guildford, United Kingdom
    Duration: 28 Mar 200729 Mar 2007


    Conference2007 Symposium on Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation Tools for Communication Networks and Services
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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